What’s coming up at SfN 2023?

BioTechniques News
Annie Coulson

This year’s Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting is taking place in Washington DC (USA) from 11–15 November 2023. The meeting brings together people from across the world working in neuroscience to discover new ideas and share the latest discoveries and advances in the field. There’s a lot to do at the conference, so what should you look out for?

Our top picks for SfN 2023

Voltage imaging: new horizons in optical physiology

November 12, 9:30–12:00pm at WCC Ballroom C

This symposium, chaired by János Fuzik from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), will introduce the newest developments in both in vivo and ex vivo applications of voltage- and all-optical voltage imaging of neuronal circuits.

The how and why of sleep

November 15, 9–10am at WCC Hall D

Sleep is a fascinating, fundamental process. In this Special Lecture, speaker Yang Dan from the University of California, Berkley (CA, USA) will discuss the range of techniques that were used to identify neurons involved in sleep generation. She will also explore how sleep interacts with the cardiovascular, immune and neuroendocrine systems.

Listening to the data: novel computational approaches to addiction and reward processing

November 12, 2–4:30pm at WCC Ballroom C

The development of novel computational tools is important in driving neuroscience research forward. This mini symposium, chaired by Courtney Wilkinson from the University of Florida (FL, USA), explores how computational approaches in addiction neuroscience are helping to overcome difficulties in creating models effective for identifying treatment targets.

Meet-the-Expert: Rajan — The allure of computational neuroscience

November 12, 1–2pm at WCC 103

Another interesting session on computational neuroscience is the meet-the-expert session with Kanaka Rajan from Harvard University (MA, USA). The session will explore how using approaches from engineering and the physical sciences, alongside analysis of data collected from real brains, can help answer big questions about cognition and what goes wrong in disease.

3D-imaging and 3D-omics technologies in neuroscience

November 14, 9:30–12pm at WCC 151

Chaired by Ali Erturk from Helmholtz Munich (Germany), this mini symposium will explore recent advances in tissue clearing and spatial omics and their potential impact on biomedical research. The session will cover a range of topics including cutting-edge techniques for tissue clearing chemistry, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, spatial-omics, and their analysis using deep learning.

Cross-cultural narratives: on being the under-resourced neuroscientist

November 13, 1:30–3pm at WCC Ballroom B

This storytelling session, chaired by Jean King from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA, USA), will highlight the experiences of four female neuroscientists discussing the cultural influences, stressors, challenges and successes that shape their careers. The discussion brings to light the voices of people from around the world, encourages a non-western viewpoint and promotes diversity and equity in science.

Top tips for SfN first timers

Prepare in advance

There are thousands of meetings! Have a list of must-see sessions you don’t want to miss and a list of sessions that would be a nice bonus. Check if there is anyone presenting that you’d like to connect with and drop them an email before going to their talk so you can meet up with them afterwards.

Don’t try and attend it all

Attend 2–3 sessions a day and really engage with them, then spend time networking and catching up with acquaintances. It’s easy to burn yourself out, and you want to make sure that you can take things on board as much on the last day as you did on the first!

Don’t underestimate networking

Carve out time in between and after sessions to chat and make connections, attend the networking events and socialize. It can be a good way to restore your brain in between the deep concentration needed for sessions, and you never know where the connections you make could lead!

Come meet BioTechniques!

You can find us at booth 836 in the exhibition hall. Come and chat with us about BioTechniques, your work or how we could collaborate. We’ll also have a spin-the-wheel game and lots of freebies, including chocolate, so stop by for a little pick-me-up.

The post What’s coming up at SfN 2023? appeared first on BioTechniques.

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